


Introduction to Self-esteem

Self-esteem is the degree to which you are able to maintain a steadfast attitude towards something you believe in. Everyone will have the circumstances and style in which they grew up. People we grew up with, including those we have lived with before and still together, will have a different impact on your life in one way or another. Even more than now that we are older and more aware of ourselves, when we were children, people’s perceptions of us influence our lives.

People’s reactions to our actions, have the power to change the meaning we give to our lives if we don’t defend.

Examples of Self-esteem

For example, when a person stands in front of students in his classroom, sings or performs some action. If the students point fingers at him, he does not only feels embarrassed and sorry for himself, but also feels that he cannot do it again it. His self-image changes in someway which is the has negative impact toward his identity.

Another example is that Let’s say you have got a good attitudes from someone so many times. You will expect the same on another day and your self-confidence with that person will increase and the same is true with the vice versa. All of this, however, have nothing to do with your abilities and characteristics or identity. This is about giving meaning to your life according to how people view you. When anyone makes an opinion about somebody, they are based on their own point of view, but the truth of that is far from your real identity.

Self-Esteem is not denying others’ opinion or underestimating it.

Self-esteem and selfishness seems very similar. Selfishness, in the first place, stems from a lack of self-confidence. A person without self-confidence wishes his argument to be accepted regardless of the truth. Such a person wishes his opinion to be accepted as correct, but does not care about the truth. This is the ultimate insecurity. Human opinion can may be right in its own way. A confident person values other people’s opinions. So valuing other’s perception stems from a love of giving priority to understand each other.

Self-esteem comes when you start loving yourself

Easily Taking in other’s reaction

The idea someone gives about you is 30% of who you are that you can change it the way you wish, while 70% is the person’s thoughts and identity. If you understood in the first statement, when I say that you can change your identity as you wish. Many of the behaviors that people or we hate about ourselves are things that we are able change at any time.

So, coming to our main point, Self-esteem is the strength to defend your identity. If you give more prominent position for the other person and their opinion, and take in everything they say about you, you will lose your self-confidence. Self-confidence does not come by faith. If you just try to believe that you are famous, beautiful/handsome, rich or whatever you wish to become, when you are not really like that. This is not the way self-esteem comes. I you’re always looking at people’s reactions, your chances of success become very low.

Self-esteem comes from practice

Confidence is a practice. If you have the ability to draw, you have to frequently practice drawing to be recognized as a painter. You will practice the ability to speak in public, to talk a foreign language, swimming, running a 3000m race, or many other skills that you want to be confident on. You practice a lot of things. Others may come without even thinking about it which is being lucky, but practice is always the foundation for self-confidence.

If you value yourself, you will always have to practice improving your identity. So many of the other things that we try to change in our lives can be changed when through practice. A hard worker believes in practicing as the easiest way of improving his life.


The most important part of success is understanding yourself and being confident in it and then achieving what you desire to have. If you are always being driven by people’s reaction, you don’t even believe you have are successful even if you did in someway. Because you again expect people to prove it to you.

I think you’ve learned a lot from this. Please don’t forget to share your thoughts.


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